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Monthly Archives: September 2016

Jadwal Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Siakad Online

Jadwal Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Sistem Informasi Akademik (SIAKAD) Online PS MPBI FKIP Unila:
NPM 1623042001 – 1623042009 Pukul 10.00 s/d 11.00 di Laboratorium UPT. TIK Ruang 204
NPM 1623042010 – 1623042030 Pukul 11.00 s/d 12.00 di Laboratorium UPT. TIK Ruang 213


Dont Miss it.. save the date…




Proposal Seminar Dita Yusmelita Sari

Good Morning,

We proudly invite you to the Proposal Seminar of MPBI, presented by DITA YUSMELITA SARI (1423042042) with interesting thesis entitled Concept Mapping in Group of Peer Review on Students’ Writing Ability, that will be held:

day/date              : Tuesday, September 27th 2016

time                     : 10.00 till the end

place                    : K5 FKIP


It would be our great honor if you can come to this proposal seminar and we believe if will provide enriching experience for all of the participants. We eagerly await your participation in this seminar.


Thanks and regards


Proposal Seminar Ihyaul Layli Hasanah

Good Morning,

We proudly invite you to the Proposal Seminar of MPBI, presented by IHYAUL LAYLI HASANAH (1523042016) with interesting thesis entitled A Modified Process Writing Procedure to Lower Students’ Writing Anxiety in Senior High School, that will be held:

day/date              : Monday, September 26th 2016

time                     : 13.30 till the end

place                    : K2 FKIP


It would be our great honor if you can come to this proposal seminar and we believe if will provide enriching experience for all of the participants. We eagerly await your participation in this seminar.


Thanks and regards


Info Almamater dan KTM Pascasarjana

Diinfokan kepada seluruh Mahasiswa MPBI Angkatan 2016, Almamater Unila dapat diambil di Front Office Sekretariat Pascasarjana Unila (Gedung Merah diseberang Aula K FKIP) dengan membawa fotokopi dan kuitansi asli pembayaran SPP semester 1.

Untuk KTM (Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa), karena adanya kerjasama dengan Bank BRI untuk dwifungsional nya KTM yaitu sebagai Kartu Tanda pengenal Mahasiswa sekaligus sebagai Kartu ATM BRI yang bisa digunakan di Gerai ATM BRI mana saja, maka KTM bisa dibuat dengan membuka rekening BRI. Saldo Minimal untuk membuat Rekening BRI yaitu Rp 100.000 yang nanti bisa ditarik menggunakan KTM yang sekaligus berfungsi sebagai kartu ATM BRI. Membawa KTP dan datang sendiri ke Kantor Kas BRI Cabang Unila (di depan Pascasarjana Pertanian). KTM/ATM pun langsung jadi. Bisa dibuat pada hari kerja senin-jumat pukul 08.00-15.00.


Proposal Seminar Febriyanti

Good Morning,

We proudly invite you to the Proposal Seminar of MPBI, presented by FEBRIYANTI (1423042048) with interesting thesis entitled Vocabulary Acquisition through Authentic Literary Works by Using Jigsaw Reading and Think-Pair Share in Students’ Different Learning Styles, that will be held:

day/date              : Monday, September 19th 2016

time                     : 15.00 till the end

place                    : K5 FKIP


It would be our great honor if you can come to this proposal seminar and we believe if will provide enriching experience for all of the participants. We eagerly await your participation in this seminar.


Thanks and regards


Result Seminar Merliyani Putri Anggraini

Good Afternoon,

We proudly invite you to the Result Seminar of MPBI, presented by MERLIYANI PUTRI ANGGRAINI (1523042009) with interesting thesis entitled Think Aloud in Collaborative Discussion on Reading Comprehension of EFL Students, that will be held:

day/date              : Thursday, September 15th 2016

time                     : 13.00 till the end

place                    : K5 FKIP


It would be our great honor if you can come to this result seminar and we believe if will provide enriching experience for all of the participants. We eagerly await your participation in this seminar.


Thanks and regards


Proposal Seminar Nur Arifah Hanafiah

Good Morning,

We proudly invite you to the Proposal Seminar of MPBI, presented by NUR ARIFAH HANAFIAH (1423042062) with interesting thesis entitled Task Complexity on the Quality of Interaction and Negotiation of Meaning in Spoken Performance, that will be held:

day/date              : Thursday, September 15th 2016

time                     : 10.00 till the end

place                    : K5 FKIP


It would be our great honor if you can come to this proposal seminar and we believe if will provide enriching experience for all of the participants. We eagerly await your participation in this seminar.


Thanks and regards


Proposal Seminar Fais Nurul Hadi

Good Morning,

We proudly invite you to the Proposal Seminar of MPBI, presented by FAIS NURUL HADI (1423042047) with interesting thesis entitled Language Learning Strategies Used by Thai Students in Learning English & Indonesian, that will be held:

day/date              : Wednesday, September 14th 2016

time                     : 10.00 till the end

place                    : K5 FKIP


It would be our great honor if you can come to this proposal seminar and we believe if will provide enriching experience for all of the participants. We eagerly await your participation in this seminar.


Thanks and regards


Proposal Seminar Novita Nurdiana

Good Morning,

We proudly invite you to the Proposal Seminar of MPBI, presented by NOVITA NURDIANA (1523042041) with interesting thesis entitled Using Convergent and Divergent Task for Optimizing Students’ Speaking Performance and Autonomy, that will be held:

day/date              : Tuesday, September 13th 2016

time                     : 13.00 till the end

place                    : K5 FKIP


It would be our great honor if you can come to this proposal seminar and we believe if will provide enriching experience for all of the participants. We eagerly await your participation in this seminar.


Thanks and regards


Belum Mengisi KRS Semester 1 TA 2016/2017

KRS Siakad Online berfungsi untuk memudahkan Mahasiswa dalam pendataan Mata Kuliah yang sedang atau telah ia ampu. Siakad juga memudahkan para dosen dalam menginput nilai-nilai kuliah Mahasiswa. Masih terdapat beberapa mahasiswa baru MPBI tahun 2016 yang belum mengisi KRS Siakad UNILA. Dimohon untuk dapat menginfokan Mahasiswa-mahasiswa berikut ini.

Klik => Daftar Nama Mahasiswa MPBI yang BELUM mengisi KRS