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Monthly Archives: March 2016

Seminar Hasil SENIARIKA

Good Afternoon,

We proudly invite you to the eight Result Seminar of MPBI, presented by SENIARIKA (1423042025) with interesting thesis which entitle The Realization of EFL Learners’ Request and The Cross Cultural Perceptions on the Politeness of the Requests at SMA Tunas Mekar Indonesia Bandar Lampung, that will be held:

day/date              : Wednesday, April 6th 2016

time                     : 09.30 till the end

place                    : K5 FKIP


It would be our great honor if you can come to this result seminar and we believe if will provide enriching experience for all of the participants. We eagerly await your participation in this seminar.


Thanks and regards


Seminar Proposal Tangzilal Imam Ma’ruf

Good Afternoon,

We proudly invite you to Proposal Seminar of MPBI, presented by TANGZILAL IMAM MA’RUF (1423042029) with interesting thesis which entitle Developing Learning Model Based CTL of Teaching Speaking for College Students, that will be held:

day/date              : Thursday, March 31th 2016

time                     : 12.30 till the end

place                    : K5 FKIP


It would be our great honor if you can come to this proposal seminar and we believe if will provide enriching experience for all of the participants. We eagerly await your participation in this seminar.


Thanks and regards


Seminar Nasional Penguatan Budaya Lokal dalam Menunjang Promosi Wisata Nasional dan Internasional

Menunjuk surat dari Ketua Pelaksana Panitia Pelantikan dan Seminar Nasional Ikatan Dosen Budaya Daerah Lampung (IKADBUDI) Komisariat Daerah Lampung nomor: 001/IKADBUDI-KDL/SP01/2016 tanggal 20 Maret 2016 perihal Pengajuan Proposal Kegiatan, dengan ini diinformasikan kepada seluruh dosen dan mahasiswa pascasarjana (S-2) untuk berpartisipasi baik sebagai pemakalah maupun sebagai peserta dalam kegiatan Seminar Nasional Penguatan Budaya Lokal dalam Menunjang Promosi Wisata Nasional dan Internasional, yang dilaksanakan pada:

hari     : Rabu

tanggal: 30 Maret 2016

tempat: Aula “K” FKIP Universitas Lampung

waktu: Pukul 08.00 WIB s.d. selesai


Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan menghubungi Sdri. Dr. Farida Ariyani, M.Pd., CP: 081369633656


Demikian, atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami sampaikan terima kasih.

Pengumuman Hasil Tes Program Magister Pascasarjana Universitas Lampung

Sehubungan dengan  test penerimaan Program Pascasarjana Semester Ganjil Gelombang ke-I Program Magister yang diadakan pada tanggal 12 Maret 2016, maka kami umumkan nama – nama mahasiswa yang telah lulus test penerimaan Program Pascasarjana Universitas Lampung berdasarkan :

Keputusan Rektor Universitas Lampung
Nomor : 354/UN26/DT/2016
Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Semester Ganjil Gelombang I
Program Magister Program Pascasarjana Universitas Lampung
Tahun Akademik 2016/2017

Download : Pengumuman Hasil Tes Masuk

Syarat2 Seminar + Ujian Komprehensif (Tesis)

Syarat Seminar Proposal MPBI:



Syarat Seminar Hasil MPBI:



Syarat Ujian Komprehensif (Tesis) MPBI:


Masa Penulisan Tesis

Dengan mengacu keada peraturan akademik Universitas Lampung tahun 2015, tentang masa
penulisan Tesis mahasiswa, dengan ini kami beritahukan bahwa nama-nama berikut harus telah
melaksanakan seminar proposal tesis, sebelum tanggal 31 Maret 2016. Apabila belum
dilaksanakan, mahasiswa tersebut harus mengulangi prosedur dari semula, yakni mengajukan
judul Tesis dan nama calon pembimbing kepada ketua program studi.
Demikian pemberitahuan ini dan atas kerjasamanya diucapkan terima kasih.
Nama mahasiswa                NPM
1. Ferdian Achmad            1423042010
2. Juni Hartiwi                    1423042016
3. Meri Noviani M              1423042019
4. Nanda Futia S                1423042021
5. Suesi Erfina                    1423042027
6. Tangzilal Imam             1423042029
7. Wijayati                          1423042036


Seminar Hasil EMISARI

Good Afternoon,

We proudly invite you to the seventh Result Seminar of MPBI, presented by EMISARI (1423042009) with interesting thesis which entitle Metacognition Reading Strategy Training for High School in Indonesia, that will be held:

day/date              : Friday, March 11th 2016

time                     : 13.30 till the end

place                    : K5 FKIP


It would be our great honor if you can come to this result seminar and we believe if will provide enriching experience for all of the participants. We eagerly await your participation in this seminar.


Thanks and regards


Seminar Hasil AHMAD SYAFII

Good Afternoon,

We proudly invite you to the Sixth Result Seminar of MPBI, presented by AHMAD SYAFII (1423042003) with interesting thesis which entitle Blended Learning to Enhance Vacational Students’ Motivation and English Achievement, that will be held:

day/date              : Friday, March 11th 2016

time                     : 08.00 till the end

place                    : K5 FKIP


It would be our great honor if you can come to this result seminar and we believe if will provide enriching experience for all of the participants. We eagerly await your participation in this seminar.


Thanks and regards



Good Afternoon,

We proudly invite you to the fifth Result Seminar of MPBI, presented by PUTRI PUSPITASARI (1423042024) with interesting thesis which entitle Modifying debate as a technique to improve the students’ speaking skill at SMAN 2 Metro, that will be held:

day/date              : Thursday, March 10th 2016

time                     : 01.00 till the end

place                    : K5 FKIP


It would be our great honor if you can come to this result seminar and we believe if will provide enriching experience for all of the participants. We eagerly await your participation in this seminar.


Thanks and regards
